Madam’s Meanderings
So we are well and truly into 2008 and I hope you’re all keeping your
New Year’s resolutions. I only made one this year but it had several
sub-clauses. However, I’ve just referred to it and I’m surprised to
discover that I’m doing remarkably well. I hope you are too.
I can’t imagine what sort of New Year’s resolution the weather has made.
‘Get noticed more’ perhaps? If that’s the case it’s certainly been
getting noticed more recently, but let’s hope the tempestuousness soon
gives way to brighter weather. Already the days are getting lighter and
it’s great to have light until 6 or 6:30 in the evening. Although it
will soon be mess about with the clocks weekend and I don’t know bout
you but the spring forward always leaves me out of sorts for a week or
two. Though hopefully lighter mornings will mean I feel happier about
leaping pout of bed and doing some exercise before the day gets gobbled
up by other things.
Do you ever feel that your life is not your own and your time is at the
beck and call of others. During the course of today I have had eleven
meeting invites and meeting updates from just one person! 121s, team
meetings, kick off session part 1, kick off session part 2, oh and best
of all a pre-kick-off session to be held of course on 1st April.
Sometimes, what am I saying, frequently, I think that if I spent less
time in workshops and meetings I’d actually have time to get the day job
done! Though I did have the pleasurable experience recently of walking
into a 4 star hotel dressed in mountain biking gear, covered in mud and
much to the consternation of the afternoon receptionist (who’d not seen
me before) demonstrate that I was a resident and could I have a table
for dinner that evening. Well it made me smile, and dinner was very
pleasant too.
Since I wrote the above the clocks have indeed sprung forward, it’s the
1st of April, I have over slept and am feeling very out of sorts, and
even copious amounts of coffee are not helping to gee up the inner
project manager.
However it is the start of the new financial year, a new quarter, I’ve
just been paid and there is annual leave available in the ‘bank’. All
this leads to the question of where shall we go and what shall we do?
Don’t forget it is not just the committee who can organise trips and
suggest venues; anyone in the club can. So if there’s somewhere you
fancy going, just suggest it to me or the meets organiser and we’ll help
you put something together.
Lastly a call for support for the beginners’ trip on 17-18 May. As you
may or may not know this annual event is always well supported for which
I thank those leaders and assistants who give up their time. However,
can we please ensure that if your want to climb with a specific person
or group that you ensure Tonksy knows in advance of the weekend. We had
quite a few problems at the last beginners’ follow through weekend where
people were organised into groups but a large number of people wanted to
climb with other people and it all got rather messy and really difficult
for the organiser. A lot of effort does go into organising these
weekends and it is helpful if the organiser gets support and a little
forethought goes a long way to providing that support.
Right you know the rules: be careful out there, don’t get injured, don’t
disturb the Air/Sea/Mountain Rescue bods (Martin, apologies, the
newsletter should have been out earlier, entirely my fault), give
generously when you see them collecting and have lots and lots of fun.
All the best
Caro xx
P.S. Lob of the year: I made the ‘mistake’ of giving my Lob of the Year
speech as a totally off the cuff diatribe; ‘mistake’, as I was
expected to hand it in as a write-up for the newsletter! So herewith a quick
synopsis. Special mentions go to Aaron Willis who I was told came off a VS!
Practically unheard of and he must have been particularly ill for that to
have happened. To Isobel Farr who decided that to make taking out the gear
easier she need to use both hands and… well you can imagine the rest. To
Karen Roberts who had a tussle with a VS at Dovestone but the VS won. To
Andy Hansler who made many and varied attempts to get the award – early
disqualification for spraining an ankle lead to more and more attempts to be
considered for the award. To Beryl Worvell who decided to do Heather Wall as
a layback and got spat off. So I decided that this year there would be two
awards. One to Beryl for sheer audacity and the other to Andy for tenacity.
Well done both and I hope we have many more injury free lobs to write and
talk about over the coming year. I shall be attempting Heather Wall as a
layback myself this year 😉
Editor’s Erratum
Well, ‘the best laid plans’ and all that; time drifted past and suddenly
the interim edition has become a tardy standard one. But though it
arrives late it’s worth the wait and shows how much you organise amongst
Once again my thanks to all who appear here – it’s your hard work that
makes it fun.
I am very keen to hear what all of you have been up to and I know there’re
others who feel just the same so quick trip reports would be much
appreciated amongst any longer articles. Just a few paragraphs giving a
taste of your trip to inspire and excite us would be great.
I am setting the next deadline as the end of June so that we can ensure
an edition before the pens are put away for the summer months.
Don’t wait for my prompting; get reporting now.
Stay safe.
Name that Route
Two more mystery routes for you to identify.

Route 1

Route 2
This Newsletter’s articles can be seen on separate webpages by clicking the following links.
- Knoydart – Peter and Louise head into the wilderness by Peter Krug
- Cairngorm Snow holing by Alex Purser
- Four go Mad in the Dolomites (& Ortler Alps) by Steve Culverhouse
- Martins Peak District Trip by Martin Stevens
- Rain Doesn’t Stop Play in North Wales by Adrian Fagg
- How Gunni grew wings … by Gunni Page
- Scrathmere Scar, December 2007 by Andrew Hansler
- The Scottish for Fun, March 2008 by Steve Culverhouse
Did you know that most of the articles that have previously appeared in the IMC newsletter can be read online? Find them listed in the Articles Index. By the way, these can now be read by anyone on the internet – not just members of the IMC. So tell your friends and family.
IMC Climbing Crossword
By Guy Reid
The answers to the Christmas crossword can be seen here.
Website News
As promised in the last newsletter I’ve setup an image gallery on the
IMC website. This is linked from the left-hand menu on the homepage,
and from the photos page. Alternatively go to This allows you
all to add photos to the website. If you wish you can add some
descriptive text, and make comments about other members’ photos as well
as vote for your favorites. I hope that this will keep the photo album
fresh. A random montage of photos from the album are shown on the IMC
homepage. Click the FAQ
link on the gallery page for instructions on how to use it.
Simon – IMC Webmaster
The Committee
See the contacts page for list of the IMC committee members and a brief description of their roles.
There were a few changes in line up at our last AGM, with Louise and Peter Krug jointly taking over the role of secretary from Mervyn. Martin Hore was chosen as our Child Protection Officer, whilst Aaron Willis and Jo Southall are our youth representatives.
Diary Dates
See our Club Meets page for up-to-date details about
meetings and events that are currently planned by the Ipswich Mountaineering Club
This scheduled list is suggested as a framework for meets in the coming
months and to help get dates into your diaries; however, we are looking
for volunteers to co-ordinate some of the events and for ideas of where
people would like to go. Please contact the meets
coordinator if you are interested in helping to organise any of the
above or to make suggestions for future meets.
A quick reminder regarding attendance: Please note that anyone
attending an official Ipswich Mountaineering Club meet must be a
member of the Ipswich Mountaineering Club or some other BMC
affiliated club. A “meet” being defined as any trip advertised on
the website or newsletter or announced/advertised via the e-mail
facility (i.e.